Thursday, April 4, 2013

John Mayer: Jealous of Katy Perry and Russell Brand?

Was John Mayer jealous of Katy Perry and Russell Brand, and did that lead to the couple's second (and for the love of all things good, final) breakup?
  • Katy Perry and Russell Brand Photo
  • Katy Perry and John Mayer Photograph
According to reports, the singer-songwriter wasn’t happy that his now-ex was still on friendly terms with her former husband, who she split with in late 2011.
Mayer grew tired of Katy’s comparisons between him and the Brit comedian, and it created tension between them that threatened to boil over at any point.
Eventually, it just became too much.

“John and Katy together were like a volcano,” a source says. “Their relationship was incredibly volatile, stemming from the jealousy they both harbored deep inside."
“Sure, Katy was unhappy that John constantly flirted with other girls and played up his heartbreaker image, even when she was standing next to him."
“But, Katy gave it back. She knew that she could push John’s buttons by comparing his flaws to what she saw was great in Russell, which he hated!"
“Katy and Russell still talk to one another, and that irked John. He’s never been in a relationship where he wasn’t the main focus all the time and it bothered him."
During an interview with Ellen DeGeneres this week, Mayer stayed uncharacteristically tight lipped about his failed romance with the pop princess.
“It was a private relationship going in, it was private relationship during, and it’s a very private relationship still,” he said. “Coupling is a tricky thing.”
“I can understand asking the question based on some previous answers I’ve given, but I finally learned how to put the wall between one thing and another."
Well, that's a first.
So no sexual napalm comparisons apparently this time. Sad, in a way, from a celebrity gossip standpoint, but probably for the best as a human being.

Magic Johnson Speaks on Gay Son: "I Love Him So Much"

Earlier this week, Magic Johnson's son EJ (Earvin Johnson III) came out as a gay, holding the hand of his boyfriend in West Hollywood, Calif.
The Los Angeles Lakers legend expressed his full support for the 20-year old (a sentiment later echoed by Kobe Bryant) and now Magic has sat down for a lengthy interview with TMZ.
Magic Johnson Pic
"We've known for a long time that my son EJ was gay," he said.
"We finally had to sit down and talk about it. I told him, 'Look, I'm gonna love you regardless, just let me know. Are you, or aren't you?' And finally he said, 'Yes, I am.'"

Magic said said he wanted to provide his son "with advice and guidance," while EJ was concerned over how his parents would react.
"He really wanted to make sure I was okay. He wasn't worried about his mom, he was worried about me... I love EJ so much. That's my main man. I told him, 'Nothing has changed.'"
Unfortunately, EJ and the Johnsons have suffered from considerable homophobic backlash within the African-American community.
"It bothers me that they're discriminating against anybody who's gay," Magic said. "I've been in the gay movement for a long time because of HIV and AIDS."
"I see young men who are black who couldn't come out, who couldn't tell their parents, their neighbors. So now, it's my son."
Overall, the Dodgers owner and wildly successful businessman has a simple, admirable take:
"This is the year 2013 ... we should stop discriminating against people. And that's what I'm gonna do with my son. But I'll also support others."
"This is gonna be good for a lot of black young people."

Taylor Hubbell: Who is Heather Morris' Baby Daddy?

Heather Morris is pregnant with her first child, as sources confirm the Glee star is expecting her first child later this year with Taylor Hubbell.
Which raises the question: Who is Taylor Hubbell?!?
Heather Morris Close Up
Hubbell is...

... a University of Louisiana at Lafayette graduate who played baseball in college and moved in with Morris in early 2012.
... someone who shies away from the spotlight, but who has walked the red carpet with Morris, including just last month at the Spring Breakers premiere.
... Heather's high school sweetheart from Arizona.
... a young man Morris has wanted to wed for years.
"I want to marry him so bad," Morrison told Fitness in 2011, adding that their relationship is her number-one priority. "That's what I really care about. I want to marry Taylor and have kids with him. I love acting, but if it affects my relationship, then I won't continue doing it."
We wish this couple the best of luck!

Porsha Stewart: Staying "Prayerful" Through "Difficult Time"

Porsha Stewart made her first public appearance yesterday since her divorce from Kordell Stewart went public, walking the red carpet at the Bravo Upfront party in New York and trying to keep a brave face.
Porsha Stewart in NYC
"This is a very difficult time for myself and my family," said The Real Housewives of Atlanta star. "I'm just trying to remain strong. That's all I can do and stay prayerful and lean on my friends and family."

Porsha and Kordell often clashed on the reality show over having children and whether or not the former would continue to work if they did.
But Stewart says she was shocked by Kordell's filing and has since sent in legal documents of her own, asking for alimony and sole use of the couple's Atlanta home.
It's early, but how is single life treatng her?
"Well, when you have strong arms and strong family around you, they cover you – that's what they're there for," Porsha told Us Weekly. "So that's who I'm leaning on. And it's really a blessing to see people, supporters and fans are standing up and just really showing me the love."

Joss Stone Murder Plot: Two Convicted of Trying to Kill Singer

Two men, Keith Liverpool, 35, and Junior Bradshaw, 32, have been found guilty of conspiring to rob and murder British pop singer Joss Stone in 2011.
Liverpool was sentenced to at least 10 years and eight months.
The sentencing of co-defendant Bradshaw was adjourned.
Joss Stone Pic
The pair harbored a deep hatred for the soul artist, the three-week trial at Exeter Crown Court heard, though it is far from clear why (as it often is).
They were convicted of conspiring to rob and kill Joss Stone last summer, they were then planning to dump her body in a river in her native England.

Stunningly, the pair set off from their home with a samurai sword, knives, bags and gloves crammed in their Fiat Punto, bound for Stone's address.
However, their plan to rob and kill Miss Stone - whose birth name is Jocelyn Stoker - was fraught with problems and they were arrested, thank goodness.
The guys became lost around seven miles from Stone's home and stopped to ask postman Alex Greening for directions to the property in Ashill.
They displayed a map with notes and a picture of the celebrity on it.
The pair had earlier been stopped by police at the M5 Michaelwood services in Gloucestershireafter their Punto crashed into metal railings and a digger.
Officers thought the car was too badly damaged to be driven and left.
Not the case. The maligned pair continued their journey south.
They were arrested on June 13, 2011, a few miles from Stone's home when concerned local residents - spotting their crash-damaged car - called police.
The suspicious uniformed PCs discovered Bradshaw did not have a driving license and arrested him. Their weapons and plot were soon uncovered.
Giving evidence to the court, Stone admitted that there was lax security at her home, but said she only learned of the plot against her from police.

Chris Bosh: Robbed on His Birthday!

Talk about a crappy birthday present.
Miami Heat forward Chris Bosh returned to his home around 12:30 a.m. today after an evening celebrating in South Beach... only to find the residence ransacked.
Chris Bosh Photograph
Law enforcement officials tell TMZ that a jewelry drawer was open and Bosh estimates approximately $340,000 worth of items was taken.

Because there was no forced entry, and because the culprit would seem to have known Bosh would be out partying, authorities are looking into anyone who had access to the home.
This isn't the first time this year that Bosh has faced trouble off the court.
Last month, a rumor circulated that Lil Wayne banged his wife. Seriously!

Lena Headey Broke: Game of Thrones Star Has Less Than $5 in Bank

Lena Headey of Game of Thrones fame is broke.
Or awfully close ... she has $5 in the bank. Five.
Lena Headey Photo
Queen Cersei may be filthy-rich on-screen, but in real life, the British star, 39, is living paycheck to paycheck as Game of Thrones Season 3 gets underway.
Lena Headey split from husband Peter Loughran last year, and the couple is in the midst of a fight over how to split a joint $46,000 tax refund from 2011.

Loughran is demanding half of the money, while Headey is asking for an emergency $6,000 advance from the communal funds to support their 2-year-old son.
The actress has "less than $5 in her bank account," reports say.
How much less? It's unclear, and pretty much irrelevant.
According to the documents, Headey would be willing to allow Loughran $6,000 as well, but wants the remaining $34,000 kept in a blocked bank account.
Unfortunately for both parties,, a judge on the case has denied both Loughran and Headey's demands, leaving the actress in dire financial straits.
As for how a successful actress on one of TV's biggest shows could have a sub-$5 net worth, we have two words for you:

Lourdes Leon: Dating Timothee Chalamet!

Lourdes Leon is dating Timothee Chalamet.
Madonna's daughter and the Homeland actor are an item! Lourdes is 16, while Chalamet is a senior at her high school, according to the N.Y. Post.
  • Lourdes Image
  • Timothee Chalamet Photo
Page Six first reported that Leon and Chalamet, who are classmates at the famed La Guardia High School of Performing Arts, are romantically attached.
Ah, young love slash raging hormones.
"Dating is a loose term for it, but yes, they are teenagers being teenagers so I guess you can call it that," a source close to the pop star progeny said.

"It has not been going on for very long at all."
"Lola certainly likes her boys just like her mother! I'm not sure he's the only boy in her life," cautions the source of Lourdes, whose dad is Carlos Leon.
Timothee may want to keep an eye out, it looks like. Adds another insider: "Lourdes is boy crazy ... She loves to talk about guys! She flirts endlessly."
Kids. They grow up so fast, don't they?

Stevie Johnson Apologizes for Telling North Korea to Nuke Patriots Fans

Stevie Johnson is very sorry, New England Patriots fans.
He doesn't really want you to perish via a nuclear explosion.
S. Johnson pic
With North Korea claiming to be building up its nuclear arsenal, the Buffalo Bills wide receiver Tweeted today:
“War is nothing to be played with. I apologize North Korea........but if y'all do bomb 1st... Bomb Foxboro, Mass.”

Foxboro, of course, is home to the Patriots' stadium.
After receiving a few dozen hundred negative responses across the Internet, Johnson then took to Twitter again and offered a mea culpa:
“PatsFans i yall also. ask any1 in my fam. ive said TheBoro is my fav place to play-bkuz you Pats fans are Live! BUT not for long.”
We're not sure what that means, but this is Stevie Johnson. The guy blamed God in 2010 for a dropped touchdown pass.

Male Baldness, Heart Attack Risk Linked: New Study

Men losing their hair may have bigger concerns than looking like George Costanza. A new study finds that balding men share a greater risk of having a heart attack.
The more hair lost, the more serious the risk.
George Costanza
After reviewing six studies with a total of almost 37,000 participants, researchers found no connection to heart disease for men with a receding hairline.
But men who had lost most of their hair were 32 percent more likely to develop coronary artery disease than their friends who managed to hang onto their hair.

The researchers' findings - at the University of Tokyo, but including four U.S. sample groups - were published this week in the online UK journal BMJ Open.
When the analysis looked only at men under 55, a similar pattern emerged.
Bald or balding men were 44 percent more likely to develop the disease.
Time and again, researchers verified that the severity of baldness was related to the level of risk of coronary heart disease among various age groups.
The same goes for different balding patterns, with some variation.
Men with both frontal and crown-top baldness were 69 percent more likely to develop coronary artery disease than those with a full head of hair.
Those with just crown-top baldness were 52 percent more likely to do so. Those with just frontal baldness were 22 percent more likely to develop heart problems.
Researchers offered various explanations for their findings.
They said that baldness may indicate insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes; a state of chronic inflammation; or increased sensitivity to testosterone.
All of which are connected either directly or indirectly with the promotion of heart disease, according to a press release. However, they concluded:
"[Our] findings suggest that vertex baldness (balding at the crown) is more closely associated with systemic atherosclerosis than with frontal baldness."
"Thus, cardiovascular risk factors should be reviewed carefully, especially by younger men [who should] probably be encouraged to improve their cardiovascular risk profile."

Khloe Kardashian: The Hottest Kardashian Sister?

With Kim Kardashian reportedly packing on anywhere from 10 to 200 pounds, the bang-able baton has officially been passed, according to Life & Style:
Khloe Kardashian is now the hottest sister in this family!
Khloe Cover
So screams that tabloid's latest cover, which is all about Khloe's weight loss and how she recently shed 25 pounds.
How has she done it?

"Everything in moderation," says Khloé, stating the obvious and adding that she also has a personal trailer. "Right now, I try to go on hikes or something. I work out at least four to five days a week."
Got that, folks? Eat in moderation and exercise. Truly revolutionary stuff here!
Kardashian has often been compared negatively to her siblings, with many even wondering if Khloe has a different father, which is something that continually irks the brunette.
"When I was a chunky little 8-year-old and I had these two beautiful sisters [Kim and Kourtney], I'd wonder, why don't I look like that?" she tells Life & Style. "I hate it when people compare me to my sisters...I will never look like them."
But is she now the hottest among them? You decide!

Brian Banks Signs NFL Contract; Exonerated Star to Play For Atlanta Falcons

Former California high school football star Brian Banks wore a prison uniform for five-plus years, serving time for a rape he did not commit.
This fall, he'll be wearing a different uniform - for the Atlanta Falcons.
Brian Banks Photo
Ten months after a California judge tossed out his conviction, the 27-year-old, 6'2", 250-pound linebacker signed a deal to play for the NFL team.
"Aside from getting my life back and my freedom back, this is the biggest accomplishment of my life," he told reporters during a conference call.
His sweatshirt featured a California license plate reading "XONR8."

"We are pleased to have Brian join our team," said Falcons general manager Thomas Dimitroff this week. "We had a chance to work him out last year."
"He has worked extremely hard. We are happy that Brian will have a chance to live out his dream, and we look forward to seeing him on the field."
A year ago, he was out of prison on parole, wearing an ankle monitor as a registered sex offender. The contrast with this week's events is "surreal," Banks said.
"Talk about coming from the bottom," he told reporters after signing his deal.
"I know all too well what that is and what it looks like and what it feels like."
While serving time in prison for a rape he was accused of committing in 2002, Banks said he was forced to abandon his hopes of playing in the NFL someday.
At age 17, fearing a potentially long sentence, the USC prospect pleaded no contest to assaulting a Long Beach, Calif., high school classmate.
Banks was faced with an impossible decision - fight the charges and risk spending 41 years to life, or take a plea deal and spend a little over five years.
Although it would mean destroying his chance to go to college and pro, Banks chose the lesser of two evils when he pleaded no contest to the charges."
Despite the guilty plea, Brian Banks maintained his innocence throughout his imprisonment, subsequent probation and registration as a sex offender.
The fallen football star'sfortunes began to change in 2011, when the woman who once accused him of rape sent him a Facebook friend request.
According to the California Innocence Project, the woman later admitted that Banks had not kidnapped or raped her during a consensual encounter.
In court last year, an emotional Banks lowered his head and fought back tears when prosecutors said they were moving to have the conviction dismissed.
"We do not believe that Mr. Banks did the crime he pleaded guilty to," Deputy District Attorney Brentford Ferreira said. "Justice has been served."
Since his exoneration, Banks has spent months in intensive training, attending San Francisco 49ers and Seattle Seahawks minicamps last year.
"It's been a long road. It's been a lot of hard work. It is 10 years missing in my football career," he said, "but there has been a lot of work put in to making up for it."
After signing his contract with the Falcons Wednesday, Banks thanked the team's players and personnel from his Twitter account, @BrianBanksFREE.
Good luck Brian.

Demi Lovato Goes Makeup Free, Encourages Girls to "Be Brave"

Demi Lovato is once again using her own personal struggles to inspire other young women around the world.
The singer - who entered rehab in 2011 for an eating disorder and has been open since about self-esteem issues - Tweeted a photo yesterday of herself without any makeup and added as a caption:
“Ladies, be brave today.. take off your make-up and stop using those filters!! WE are beautiful!!!”
Demi Lovato No Makeup
Lovato is doing all she can to ensure no other teenagers end up in her previous state.
She went off on Disney a couple years ago for an anorexic joke and she continues to serve as a Hollywood role model. You tell 'em, Demi!

Jada Pinkett Smith Hints at Open Marriage with Will

So much for talk of a Will Smith divorce due to infidelity.
In an interview with The Huffington Post this week, Jada Pinkett Smith implied that it would be impossible for one side of her relationship to cheat on the other… because they have an open marriage!
Sort of!
Will and Jada Smith Pose
"I think that people get that idea because Will and I are very relaxed with one another," the actress said of the open marriage rumor. "But I've always told Will: You can do whatever you want as long as you can look at yourself in the mirror and be okay."

Jada, of course, was the one accused of cheating with Marc Anthony not long after the latter singer split from Jennifer Lopez.
But Smith made it sound like her marriage is strong, referring to Will as her "best friend" and emphasizing the freedom each allows the other to enjoy:
"At the end of the day, Will is his own man. I'm here as his partner, but he is his own man. He has to decide who he wants to be and that's not for me to do for him. Or vice versa."
Jada Pinkett Smith also made her voice heard a couple weeks ago, sticking up for Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift in the face of those young stars facing a lot of criticism.

Roger Ebert Dies; Film Critic Succumbs to Cancer at 70

Roger Ebert, a movie critic whose sharp wit and depth of knowledge delighted millions of readers and viewers, has died of cancer at the age of 70.
Ebert, who reviewed films for the Chicago Sun-Times for 46 years and on TV for 31 years, was America’s most prominent and influential critic.
Roger Ebert Photo
He had been in poor health for years, battling cancers of the thyroid and salivary gland. He lost part of his lower jaw in 2006, and with it the ability to speak or eat.
That calamity that would have driven other men from the public eye, but Ebert refused to hide, instead forging what became a new chapter in his career.

His chronicle of his devastating illness won him a new generation of admirers, and his positive attitude never waned or became tinged with bitterness.
Always tech-savvy - he was an early investor in Google - Ebert let the Internet be his voice, and his website, rogerebert (dot) com, had millions of fans.
His Twitter feeds had 827,000 followers, a remarkable achievement for a man whose peer group, on the whole, doesn't even use the social network.
Even more remarkable? Ebert was both widely popular and professionally respected. He had a Pulitzer Prize and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
He was the first critic to achieve either, and the same year Ebert won the Pulitzer, 1975, he also launched his television program with Gene Siskel.
As a tandem, Siskel and Ebert reviewed as many as 285 films a year and their program became nearly as influential as the movies themselves.
Two thumbs up.

Rick Ross Drive-By: Rapper Shot at From Another Car, Police Say

Witnesses to the infamous Rick Ross drive-by in South Florida say another car pulled up beside his Rolls Royce and numerous gunshots were fired, police say.
The rapper then crashed into a nearby building, unharmed.
Ricky Ross
A Fort Lauderdale police report released Thursday says witnesses saw three or four people inside an older model, burgundy or maroon BMW before shots rang out.
He was with his girlfriend, fashion designer Shateria L. Moragne-el, on January 28. The bullets from the Rick Ross shooting struck nearby businesses.
Fortunately, no one was injured in the attempted murder.

Witnesses tell police that the car’s occupants fired out of their passenger-side window at Rick Ross, and that police have recovered 18 bullet casings.
“The witnesses ducked for cover in their vehicle due to the rapid gunfire, but were still able to see the vehicle flee eastbound,” the report says.
The report also says that Ross was armed with a loaded 9 mm semi-automatic handgun located in his waistband, though he did not draw the weapon.
Ross did have a (suspended) concealed weapon permit for it.
Police are reviewing video from 20 surveillance cameras in the area for clues as to who tried to off the rapper. The footage has not been made public.
In any event, it doesn't look like he staged it, as 50 Cent posited.

Notorious B.I.G. Apartment: For Sale! Really Nice!

You can own the Notorious B.I.G.'s old apartment if you want!
And if you have more than $700K. Gentrification is no joke.
The famous one-room shack he used to rap about is a recently-renovated "three-bed plus den / office condo" complete with a formal dining room no less.
Notorious' native Bed-Stuy 'hood is not quite the area he once knew, with the Pratt Institute, BAM, the Brooklyn Flea and the Barclays Center nearby.
If anything, given the area's rapid real estate boom, it's surprising the $725K list price isn't higher still. Many condos there fetch seven figures easily.

Beyonce, Jay-Z Mark Fifth Anniversary in Cuba

Beyonce and Jay-Z are in Havana, celebrating their fifth year of marriage.
And causing quite a stir, as Beyonce and Jay-Z do, anniversary or not!
Beyonce, Jay-Z in Cuba
The superstars were mobbed by dozens of fans at La Guarida, a popular restaurant, on Wednesday. Police had to be called to keep the crowds at bay.

Waitress Silvia Fernandez said they dined with their moms and another man she couldn't identify. She called Beyonce "beautiful, without a drop of makeup."
It's true, Beyonce without makeup is a beautiful thing. So are Beyonce bikini photos, for obvious reasons. Anyway ... where were we? Ah yes, Cuba.
On Thursday, they toured colonial Old Havana and popped into another restaurant that boasts a rooftop terrace with a sweeping view of the harbor.
It was not clear why they traveled to Cuba ... or how.
But congratulations on the fifth anniversary!

Vikram Chatwal Arrested For Cocaine, Heroin, Xanax, Horse Tranq Possession

Hotel owner and possible one-time Lindsay Lohan boy toy Vikram Chatwal was arrested at a Florida airport for drug possession ... like a lot of different drugs.
According to the police report, Chatwal, who was also once linked to Padma Lakshmi, tried to board with cocaine, marijuana and prescription pills.
Always an intelligent move, Vik.
Vikram Chatwal Mug Shot
Chatwal, 41, owns New York City's Dream Hotel, a popular spot with celebrities such as Lohan, who got arrested after a hit-and-run there last year.
She has not been charged. Chatwal, who she has been cozy with in the past, may not be so lucky in this drug case, thanks to what TSA found on him.

As he tried to get on an airplane in Ft. Lauderdale, security discovered a treasure trove of items on his person, leading you to wonder why on earth:
  1. Somebody needs all of that at once
  2. Why they'd try to get it on a plane
He was booked on one count of trafficking (six grams of heroin) and seven counts of possession for cocaine, heroin, marijuana and various other drugs.
A search of Vikram Chatwal's carry-on bag apparently revealed several different types of loose white pills that appeared to be controlled substances.
While attempting to identify the pills, the TSA found a small piece of white plastic wrap in the hotel owner's jacket pocket that tested positive for cocaine.
Chatwal was then arrested by Broward County Sheriff's Office.
A further search found a clear bag containing about six grams of heroin hidden in the crotch of his pants ... plus Xanax, muscle relaxants, sedatives and a horse tranq.
Chatwal did not have prescriptions for any of these drugs.
"The arrestee provided a statement to narcotics detectives admitting possessing and purchasing controlled substances illegally," wrote Officer Carmen Hunsinger.

Kamala Harris: "Best-Looking" Attorney General in U.S., President Obama Says!

President Barack Obama raised eyebrows in the political world today, praising California's Kamala Harris as America's "best-looking" attorney general.
Speaking at a Bay Area fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee, the president said that Harris, 48, is "brilliant," "dedicated" and "tough."
"She also happens to be, by far the best-looking attorney general.”
    Kamala Harris Photo
  • President Obama in Florida
According to reports from the fundraiser, the crowd laughed (either due to discomfort, amusement or both) after which Obama said, “It’s true! C’mon."
Some cringed at Obama's remarks, given the historic hurdles women have faced to be recognized for accomplishments rather than physical appearances.
Jonathan Chait of N.Y. Magazine called Obama "disgraceful."

"Women have a hard time being judged purely on their merits," he wrote. "Discussing their appearance in the context of evaluating job performance makes it worse."
The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart countered that Obama and Harris are "longtime friends and allies" and he wasn't "cat-calling a woman he doesn’t know."
"If I thought for one moment that’s what was going on, you better believe I’d hammer him for it. But that’s not the case here. Far from it. Lighten up, people."

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Jimmy Fallon Finally Confirmed as Future Tonight Show Host

After weeks of speculating and awkward, unfunny duets, NBC finally make it official today: Jimmy Fallon will take over The Tonight Show in 2014.
Jay vs. Jimmy
“Jay Leno is an entertainment icon, making millions of people laugh every weeknight for more than 20 years,” said Steve Burke, Chief Executive Officer of NBCUniversal, adding:

“His long reign as the highest-rated late-night host is a testament to his work ethic and dedication to his viewers and to NBC. We are purposefully making this change when Jay is #1, just as Jay replaced Johnny Carson when he was #1.
"Jimmy Fallon is a unique talent and this is his time. I’m thrilled he will become the sixth host of ‘The Tonight Show’ at exactly the right moment, in conjunction with our coverage of next year’s Winter Olympic Games from Sochi, Russia."
Leno's contract expires next year and the network wanted to make this switch before Jimmy Kimmel could steal more young viewers at 11:35 p.m.
“Congratulations Jimmy,” Leno said in a statement. “I hope you’re as lucky as me and hold on to the job until you’re the old guy. If you need me, I’ll be at the garage.”
Added Fallon; “I’m really excited to host a show that starts today instead of tomorrow.”
Who would you prefer to see as host of The Tonight Show?

Jesus Franco Dies; Horror Film Legend Was 82

Sad piece of movie news today: Jesus Franco has died at the age of 82.
The actor reportedly passed away Tuesday after suffering a stroke.
Jess Franco
Jesus "Jess" Franco is best known for creating a new type of genre within the Spanish horror film industry, and for having huge influence on the industry even today.
Franco's famous works include cult horror classics such as The Awful Dr. Orloff, Vampyros Lesbos, and The Mansion of the Living Dead, among otherrs.

Throughout his decades-long career, Jess Franco became recognized as someone who was not afraid of crossing lines others would not dare to cross.
His films featured outlandish scenes known for blood and gore.
The filmmaker became known for pushing the limits of what was acceptable and much of his work drew criticism, with some claiming his work exploited women.
However, horror buffs continue to recognize him as a visionary.
Franco had a long illustrious career, which began in 1959. He went on to made nearly 160 films and was even working on one at the time of his death.

Teen Mom 2 Star Jenelle Evans to N.C.: Drop Charges Against Courtland Rogers!

Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans filed six assault charges against estranged husband Courtland Rogers earlier this year, but now wants them all dropped.
After getting back with Rogers and vowing to work things out two months later, she's had a change of heart ... but whether officials oblige is another story.
Jenelle and Courtland Rogers Photo
Police take four accusations of battery on a female and two counts against an unborn child seriously, and the State of North Carolina is continuing its investigation.
Even if Jenelle Evans wants to stop any legal action from taking place against her husband, police can continue the case if they feel there's enough evidence.
Says a source close to the investigation:

"Jenelle already dropped the charges, but due to the severity of her claims the state has now picked them up and is going to get to the bottom of this."
The Teen Mom 2 star is expected to attend a hearing on April 8 to decide if the charges should stick, or if Jenelle has to admit she falsified the claims.
If she wants the charges dropped, she may have to admit she made them up or exaggerated them, which could mean legal problems for her instead.
“Falsifying charges is a big issue,” the source added of Evans' quandary.
Courtland’s parents, Carson and Holley, are expected to take the stand to say he did not get physical with his wife, since they were there that night.
“They are going to stick by the fact that he did not beat up Jenelle because they were there with him that night,” the source said of Rogers' folks.
“There was an argument, but not a physical fight. The papers she took out on him are false and that will be stated on the stand by Carson and Holley.”
Jenelle, who was pregnant at the time, had a miscarriage with their child, then broke things off with Rogers, who accused her of being on heroin.

Kim Kardashian: Dumped for Being Fat!!!

A new report confirms what we've suspected all along: Kim Kardashian cannot get enough balls.
Fried rice balls, that is, as the latest In Touch Weekly claims the pregnant reality star has been dumped by Kanye West because she cannot... stop... eating.
Kim Kardashian Dumped?!?
On March 17, a patron at South City Kitchen in Atlanta says Kim chowed down greasy chicken and waffles, along with smashed bliss potatoes, collard greens and mac and cheese.

“She hasn’t just gained 20 pounds like she claims,” a friend tells the tabloid. “She’d already gained 45 to 50 when she still had four months to go!"
Kim's weight has been the subject of the paparazzi for weeks, causing Helena Christensen to recently come out in defense of Kardashian.
If only Kanye felt the same way, though, as the magazine claims he has "deserted" his baby mama when she needs him most, spending most of this time these days in Paris.
Kardashian, however, has denied this assertion, saying in a recent interview that West loves her growing body.
Hmmm... who should we believe her? Anonymous tabloid sources or someone who claims to be our friend on Facebook only so she can be paid to post about various brands and companies? No, really.
It's not an easy decision.

Justin Bieber: God Has a Purpose For Me!

In the midst of ongoing turmoil - from an arrest for battery to a split from Selena Gomez that has left him reeling - Justin Bieber has opened up to Teen Vogue.
While the interview with the May issue likely took place weeks ago, it's clear that Bieber has been suffering under the stress of his fame for awhile.
  • Justin Bieber Vogue Cover
  • Justin Bieber Teen Vogue Pic
  • Justin Bieber Shirtless for Vogue
  • Justin Bieber for Teen Vogue
"I just don't trust anybody," the 19-year-old star tells the magazine. "Literally, my phone never rings. I only have, like, four people that I keep in contact with."

Among other topics touched on by Bieber in the Q&A:
Why doesn't he respond to every rumor? "I know who I am, and I'm very much in control. I don't need to address every speculation. Remember when Cam'ron dissed Jay-Z? Jay-Z didn't even respond. Why didn't he respond? He didn't need to respond because he's Jay-Z."
What's important to him? "I don't need a bunch of friends to make me happy. I just need the people close to me that I love, that's all."
What's his Twitter philosophy? "My Twitter is really nice. I have so many fans that I rarely ever see a nasty tweet... I see so much stuff on the Internet, sometimes I just want to go to Twitter and just go after people. But then I think twice: If someone if dissing me, I'm going to make this person way more famous by tweeting them."
How does God play a role in his life? "I think that's part of the reason I'm here. Not just because I'm talented, but because God had a purpose for me to just help people. I'm spiritual... although I slept in [and missed] church yesterday. I haven't been to church in so long, and I planned on going, and I slept in. I was upset. It's all good. God forgives me."

Ke$ha: I Eye-Banged Johnny Depp!

Ke$ha is on record: she would totally have sex with Justin Bieber.
And now she's also on record: the singer has had sex with Johnny Depp! Via her eyeballs, that is.
Wait... WHAT?!?
Ke$ha with Glasses
The 26-year-old singer told Metro U.K. that she "and Johnny Depp had eyeball sex at the benefit concert for Superstorm Sandy... We never really talked – we just had eyeball sex."
Oh, well, okay then.
We'd be taken aback by this statement, but it's Ke$ha. She says she once slept with a ghost. And we assume not merely with her eyeballs because, come on, people. Ghosts don't have eyeballs.
- See more at:$ha-i-eye-banged-johnny-depp/#sthash.FjhCYql3.dpuf

Kendall Jenner: All About Modeling!

Kendall Jenner may star on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, but she makes it clear once and for all in a new interview with Cosmopolitan:
She will NOT be branching out on her own any time soon. Not reality show wise, at least.
"That's not happening," Kendall says. "Modeling is my number one priority - one hundred percent."
  • Kendall Jenner Cosmo Pose
  • Kendall Jenner Cosmo Photo
Jenner also sounds very un-Kim Kardashian like in saying she isn't seeking loads of attention. Quite the opposite sometimes, in fact.

"The show brought us everything we have, and I realize that, but sometimes I just want to be left alone and be a normal kid for like five minutes," she says. "That's tough when the paparazzi are chasing you."
It's also tough when you are posing in national magazines, which may not be the best place to complain about attention.
But Kendall is yet to make a sex tape or televise her own wedding. So perhaps she has earned the benefit of the doubt so far.

Hayden Panettiere Boob Job Rumors: Did She Get Plastic Surgery?

Hayden Panettiere looks a bit curvier lately, but is that the result of a boob job? Putting on a few pounds? Or just the way a particular bikini looks on her?
  • Hayden Panettiere Boob Job?
  • Hayden Panettiere Pink Bikini
The rumors started after Hayden Panettiere bikini pics taken on Easter spread like wildfire online. Relatively speaking, she was busting out of that thing.
She looked fairly curvy in her Glamour photos too, but not so much so that plastic surgery seems obvious. There could be many variations at work.
That bikini is microscopic, first of all, and anyone's chest looks bigger depending on the angle of the pic. If she put on 5-10 pounds, that'd make a difference too.
Finally, do they really look that different from last year ...

  • Hayden Bikini Photo
  • Hayden Panettiere Esquire Photo
Or even from all the way back in '09? You be the judge:
  • Hayden Panettiere Bikini Picture
  • Sexy Hayden Panettiere Pic
What do you think? Did Hayden get breast implants?

Richie Sambora Drops Out of Bon Jovi Tour for "Personal Issues"

Is there tension among the two key members of Bon Jovi?
The band left a statement on its official website today that said its founding guitarist will not be joining his colleagues on tour this spring. It reads:
"Due to personal issues, Richie Sambora will not be performing on this upcoming leg. All shows will go on as scheduled."
Richie Sambora Photograph
No other details have been made available, but an insider compares Sambora's feud with Jon Bon Jovi to Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, telling TMZ there is contention over both money and how Jon treats Richie.

The first leg of Bon Jovi's Because We Can tour kicks off tonight in Edmonton.
It will move to 14 cities including St. Paul, Minn., Austin, Texas, Los Angeles and Las Vegas before wrapping up on April 25 in San Jose.

Avril Lavigne: Nude on New Single Cover!

Avril Lavigne Naked
Avril Lavigne is making like Rihanna for the cover of her new single, "Here's to Never Growing Up."
No, she isn't setting herself up to be smacked around again by Chris Brown... she's naked!
"Here's my new single cover!! #HTNGU," the singer Tweeted today, revealing a very revealing shot of herself covered only by a lucky stuffed animal.
The track will debut on Ryan Seacrest's radio show Tuesday.

Coco Bikini Pic: Hot or Really, Really Not?

Coco Bikini Body

Coco Austin has taken to WhoSay to give followers an idea of what Ice-T (or Jamie Thomas?) sees on a nightly basis.
"Flexing the top of my booty muscle," the model wrote as a caption to this photo. "see dedication pays off. #legs #muscle = Power."
Sources say the blonde is considering a move to bodybuilding... and it's not hard to see why. Study the bikini photo now and then answer the pressing question below:

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: Secretly Married (Not Really)!

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are married! The couple has tied the knot in secret!
At least according to OK! Magazine ... so they're totally not married basically.
Brangelina Married!?
Of course, there is NO MENTION of when this happened, or what she wore, or really much of anything else ... only that “official nuptials” are still to come.
Whatever that means.
In any case, Jolie and Pitt, the celebrity gossip tabloid reports, “exchanged their vows with a small sunset commitment ceremony at their L.A. mansion.”

“Brad and Angelina both wanted to do something for family and no one else,” explains the alleged insider. “They were desperate to keep the ceremony private."
"One leak would have meant media chaos. They took great care to fool everyone by sneaking in flowers, booze, food and decorations after dark.”
“It was incredibly emotional and there wasn’t a dry eye in the place.”
Sort of like at THG when we read these hilarious fake quotes.

Conrad Murray: Leave Me Out of MJ Lawsuit ... OR ELSE!

Murray in Court

Dr. Conrad Murray wants to be left out of the Michael Jackson wrongful death lawsuit, or else ... he claims seriously bad things are gonna go down.
Murray made this veiled threat last night in a bizarre, rambling voicemail he left on a friend's voicemail, which TMZ obviously obtained, and it's amazing.
The doctor, who's serving time for manslaughter in the 2009 death of Jackson, says that if he is forced to testify in the upcoming court case ... watch out.
Conrad Murray tells his friend that, in no uncertain terms:

"If I am compelled to speak. I can cause one party or the other to experience the impact of an immediate seismic shock, resulting in a total and complete debacle."
So it'll be like a 7.0 earthquake here. Of the legal variety.
Murray was subpoenaed to testify in Katherine, Prince, Blaket and Paris Jackson's $40 billion lawsuit against AEG, but has pleaded the fifth so far.
MJ's former physician doesn't want to incriminate himself in any proceedings that could jeopardize his appeal to overturn his manslaughter conviction.
Makes sense ... but it makes you wonder. What's he not saying about his relationship with AEG, and/or the late King of Pop's family, that he don't know?
He didn't specify who he's dropping the bomb on. Hmm ...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Clark Gable's Son ARRESTED FOR DUI Allegedly Hit 6 Parked Cars

John Clark Gable -- son of Hollywood legend Clark Gable -- was arrested for DUI in Malibu today after allegedly crashing into 6 parked cars after fleeing the scene of another accident ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

We've learned ... 52-year-old Gable is suspected of initially rear-ending another car on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu. But after the crash, we're told he's suspected of fleeing the scene in his car ... and smashing into 6 parked cars along the way.

Law enforcement sources tell us, "It appears alcohol and/or drugs were involved."

Peter Sagan Apologizes for Podium Girl Butt Squeeze

Peter Sagan Butt Squeeze

Peter Sagan finished second at the Tour of Flanders over the weekend.
But the Slovakian cyclist has made far more headlines than winner Fabian Cancellara, thanks to his actions after the race.
As plainly seen here, the 23-year old had a bit of fun with the cameramen and one of the podium girls during the medal ceremony, getting a light squeeze in that was not met with a positive response from many who saw it.
The backlash prompted Sagan to Tweet an apology Sunday night:
"Was not my intention to disrespect women today on the podium. Just a joke, sorry if someone was disturbed about it."
Was this apology necessary? Was Sagan out of line? Or is the tradition of having young, blonde women kiss the cheek of race winners far more sexist than anything this second-place finisher did?
Sound off now: The Peter Sagan butt touch was...

Shain Gandee Funeral Fundraiser: Scheduled for Tomorrow

Shain Gandee Pic
In the wake of Shain Gandee's tragic death yesterday, the cousin of this Buckwild star is springing into fundraising action.
Ashley Gandee tells TMZ that Shain's parents cannot afford a true funeral for their 21-year old son, so she is organizing a "mud run" tomorrow night in Proctorville, Ohio.
There will be a $10 charge per vehicle and proceeds will go toward laying Shain to rest.
"I know the strain they are going through," Ashley says. "It's hard to provide a proper burial. It's already tough with the loss of family members ... expenses are tough as well."

Shain's body was one of three discovered early yesterday by officials in West Virginia.
He, his uncle and an unidentified woman were stuck inside a Ford Bronco, which was nearly buried completely in mud off deep in the town woods.
Initial reports point to carbon monoxide poisoning as the cause of death.
In response to the incident - along with two other arrests for Buckwild cast members - Mayor Danny Jones wants MTV to halt production on the series.
Do you agree? Should Buckwild be canceled?

Justin Bieber Pulls April Fools Prank on TMZ

JB In Berlin

Point, Justin Bieber.
With this singer often on the wrong side of the news these days - he's spitting on neighbors, he's getting banned from Vienna nightclubs - Bieber earned himself a few moments of levity yesterday by pulling a solid prank on TMZ.
"As promised taking all fan phone calls TODAY at (888) 847 9869," Bieber Tweeted yesterday morning, leaving the phone number for TMZ on his account.
"Talk to u soon!"

From there, millions of Bieber's followed called in to the celebrity gossip website's tip line… which is toll-free and therefore likely cost the company a bit of coin.
The pop music superstar eventually deleted the Tweet, but not before the number hung around the Internet for long enough to cause some damage.
It was a rare fun moment for Justin Bieber, who hasn't enjoyed very many of them since he took his tour aboard and/or since he split from Selena Gomez.
He may want to reconsider that move.

Jack Pardee Dies; Former NFL Coach Was 76


Jack Pardee, a Texas A&M football star who went on to become both an All-Pro linebacker and an NFL coach, died Monday at the age of 76.
In November, Pardee's family announced that he had gall bladder cancer that had spread to other organs and that he had six to nine months to live.
The family has established a memorial scholarship fund in Pardee's name at the University of Houston, where Pardee coached from 1987-89.

Houston athletic director Mack Rhoades said:
"Today, we mourn the passing of a great man who dedicated his life to the game of football and was a true gentleman in every sense of the word."
"It was not a coincidence that success followed coach and his teams wherever he worked, and the University of Houston program was blessed to have him."
Pardee was born in Iowa and moved to west-central Texas as a teenager, where he played six-man football at Christoval High School before moving on to Texas A&M.
Bear Bryant became the Aggies' coach in 1954 and moved their preseason camp to desolate Junction, about 100 miles northwest of San Antonio.
The state endured a severe drought and an historic heat wave, but Bryant worked his team through the brutal conditions and refused to allow water breaks.
Pardee was one of 35 players who made it through training camp.
"Not only did we lose a Texas A&M legend today, we lost a man who was a legend at every level of football," Texas A&M A.D. Eric Hyman said.
Pardee played three seasons at Texas A&M and was the 14th overall pick in the 1957 NFL draft by Los Angeles. He played for the Rams from 1957-64.
After sitting out a year to deal with melanoma, he played seven more seasons. He finished his playing career with the Washington Redskins in 1973.